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Relaxing Outdoor

Helping successful Leaders become MORE SUCCESSFUL!

The Rising Awareness Journey​


The Rising Awareness Journey is an international multiethnic collective movement committed to educating, training, and empowering Corporate/Business/Institutional Leaders and Professional Trusted Advisors to navigate the difficult and uncomfortable conversations about racism and related social constructs/issues.


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Inclusion. Healing. Belonging.

Leadership Development & Executive Coaching​


"Leading effectively in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world is no easy task. You’re striving to get it right, and I’m here to help you succeed."

                                                                             - Perry Rhue



Business Conference

The Rising Awareness Journey Supervision


Personalized education, guided supervision, and actionable "feed-forward" to Professional Trusted Advisors, as well as Corporate, Business, and Institutional Leaders, empowering them to strengthen their "human connection" skills.




Image by Christina @
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